Archive | December 2013



It’s just 2 days away till the New Year and I found myself going through events that took place in my life the last 362 days of 2013.  I wrote them down as I reread my journal entries. I realized I went through a lot of inner tumultuous shaking this year. The year went by so very fast that there seems to be a feeling of disassociation within me.   There were days when I felt like a dog chasing after my own tail.

In my questioning heart, Father answered, “you were panned.”  PANNED. GOLD PANNED.

What  does that mean?

Here are a few things I learned about that.

~ It is mostly a manual technique of separating gold from other materials. Wide, shallow pans are filled with sand and gravel that may contain gold. The pan is submerged in water and shaken, sorting the gold from the gravel and other material. As gold is much denser than rock, it quickly settles to the bottom of the pan. The panning material is usually removed from stream beds, often at the inside turn in the stream, or from the bedrock shelf of the stream, where the density of gold allows it to concentrate.

~One of the best places to pan for gold is where someone has already found gold.

~ Panned gold is raw gold in its natural unrefined state appearing as gold dust.

“A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters.The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold.”

Genesis 10:11-12

Father has deposited “gold” in each of his children’s lives.  And He being the Master Panner knows exactly where that gold is.  For that tobe separated from all the dross and gravel that come with it, it has to be shaken.  What is not his, goes up and is scooped out of the pan. What is left is what belongs to him.




“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.”

Job 23:10

Let’s get ready for 2014.  Let’s shine forth as GOLD!

This entry was posted on December 29, 2013 and tagged . 1 Comment